Lewis & Clark College, Frank Manor House

Built in 1925, the Lloyd Frank Manor House was the centerpiece of the Fir Acres Estate for the Frank family — early Portland merchants and co-founders of Meier & Frank department stores. The Manor House is listed in the National Register of Historic Places and now houses the main administrative functions of Lewis & Clark College. Hennebery Eddy provided design services for a series of projects, including a roof assessment, installation of a new elevator, a fire sprinkler system throughout the building’s ground floor, interior and exterior lighting, accessibility upgrades, and new furnishing.

Significant undertakings included renovating the president’s suite and the lounge; both spaces were renovated with neutral contemporary furnishings that accent the extant historic architecture and furnishings in the space. The furnishings are sophisticated and flexible to accommodate small and large, informal and formal gatherings and events. We also conducted a comprehensive window assessment and developed a prioritized plan restoration, including five custom fabricated steel windows that replicate the original design. Extensive research, thoughtful analysis, and detailed pre-construction coordination allowed us to integrate these new interventions with a minimum impact to the building’s historic integrity.

“Lewis & Clark has a deserved reputation for respecting and maintaining the Frank estate and its structures. This project is a remarkable demonstration of the intelligence, imagination, and care that are dedicated to that ongoing project.

— Jane Atkinson, former Vice President and Provost, Lewis & Clark College

Project Contact

Kyle Womack AIA